Finding the right cash rewards is very important if you want to get the best bang for your buck.  The most important thing to look for is the monthly interest rate.  Most credit card companies want you to pay the minimum amount.  They make the most money this way.

You can help offset the interest by getting a credit card with the best rewards that meet your needs.  Many cash back cards have a high rate of interest when compared to a card that does not have rewards.

The most important thing for you to do is strike a balance between a good interest rate and the rewards and/or points.  Also make sure there is no annual fee.  In most cases you want to stay away from cards with annual fees.

Some companies also offer cash back rewards.  Make sure you look at any restrictions or spending limits they may have.  They sometimes cap the amount of cash back you can receive.

Pay attention to what it takes to transfer your card to another bank card.  They may charge a percentage of the balance to make the move.  If not, this card might be a good choice.

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